Wellness Services
Prolific Life also provides wellness services. Prolific Life believes in serving the community, increasing outreach efforts, and strengthening community relations. Wellness services are geared towards increasing community awareness of mental health concerns as well as providing proactive tools to manage daily life stressors.
How We Teach Wellness
Prolific Life is available for wellness services through talks and workshops with local organizations.
Topics for talks and workshops include Managing Traumatic Stress, Managing Anxiety and Depression, Coping with Suicidal Thoughts, How To Parent A Teen Who Self-harms, Practicing Good Mental Hygiene, Goal-setting, and Navigating Life Transitions.
These topics are designed to help optimize daily functioning, identify areas for improvement, strengthen coping skills, and increase knowledge and awareness about mental health.
Wellness services are Prolific Life's targeted attempts to serve the local community, build community connections, and create resources for those who are in need of mental health services. Wellness support reminds individuals and organizations that we do not have to wait for problems to arise for us to react. Services can be proactive and preventive as we partner together to care for our communities.
If you are interested in partnering with us on wellness services opportunities, please click the button below to schedule a meeting for us to review these opportunities or call us at 908-636-3659.